Wednesday, January 21, 2009

In the name of "shorter is better"...

It's not always the case that shorter is better, but I'm returning to that philosophy for this blog which means I'll need to post more often. In that we go:

Exams...what joy! Three down and two to go. I've had to tweak all but one of them, and actually create one of them from scratch, but that part's done, and most of what's left is the correcting. As much as possible is some kind of short answer - matching, multiple choice, fill-in - and the rest is focused writing of a particular format. I can get quite a bit done tomorrow when I don't have an exam and I do have time in my own classroom. My goal is to have exams finished by the time I leave school on Friday. Of course my largest class has its exam that day, but I'll get as close to that goal as I can. After all, this weekend will be a little busy and I want to be able to enjoy it without the spectre of grades hanging over my head.

One of my delights is the yoga class that my friend Kristie holds right in my building. She gets us to focus on the world of our yoga mats, the soothing music she plays, and her soothing, almost hypnotic voice leading us through the moves. I can't do everything with the strength and smoothness that I used to have, and I can't balance on my left foot more than a few seconds so I'm good for a few chuckles when we do "tree," but I can do a darn good shoulder stand and I'm fairly flexible for an old gal, so I embrace the practice. It takes me out of the physical and mental busyness and lets me focus on my mental and physical well-being. Good stuff. Namaste.

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