Thursday, December 25, 2008

Sunny Christmas

Lately the weather has been unsettled more often than not, so I'm happy to be sitting here in the sun (11 a.m.) as I type. I'm wearing a new pale turquoise fluffy robe and my lovely new gold and silver bangle bracelet, chosen and given to me by my husband. He chose it all by himself, and among those of you whose spouses don't seem to have the same taste as you, you know how iffy that can be. Well, he did a great job this time. It's a little fancy so I may not wear it on a daily basis, but it's one I'll be pleased to wear often.

My spouse is out in his truck with the new super duper floor mats, wearing his new super duper jackknife with all the neato features, and trying out his new GPS. He's not usually one to be patient in trying to learn about new technology, but he seems fascinated by this one, so he may be out on the road for a few hours testing the thing. I told him I should have found one that also had a console here at home so I could watch where he is. He laughed briefly, but I know he likes being able to wander around on his own. I don't know how much he'll use the GPS but I'm glad to see he didn't just thank me for it and put it back in the box.

Yesterday was my gift to myself: a day to wander around doing nothing in particular. I need to do that more often this year because of The Troublesome Class, but taking this day to begin a nice long vacation was very sweet. I talked with a few friends, measured spaces and furniture in preparation for moving some of it around, made three necklaces and a pair of earrings, read two newspapers from front pages to last, sorted the gifts that we'll be giving on Sunday to find that I still need to make a few more purchases in the next day or two, and ate brunch in the middle of the afternoon. Ahhhhh that was a delight. :-)

Something odd happened, though. We ran out of milk so I mentioned to my husband he'd have to use some of the half & half in the refrigerator to make the mashed potatoes. For some reason, he chose to use some of the hazelnut Coffeemate. Ewwww. Here's hoping that never happens again!

p.s. (added at 7 p.m.) The GPS is a hit. He keeps checking out how far places are from where he's sitting, and he loves all those beeping noises. Boys and their toys!

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